CAPPA – Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa

Election is Not War

Election is Not War

The civic space and the entrenchment of policies that work for the good of the people, government and corporate accountability, and public participation are all rooted in the existence of a sustainable democracy.

Through the European Union-Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN II) Project CAPPA leads activities under component 6 of the EU-SDGN initiative with a specific objective to change public attitudes and build greater tolerance in society using the media on peaceful and non-violent elections in six geo-political states of the country.

Dubbed ‘Election is Not War’, our campaign engages the media through training journalists and high-level interaction with media executives to equip them with the needed capacity to understand the electoral law, commitment to conflict-sensitive reporting, the safety of journalists, and ethical use of digital media tools.

Through the deployment of digital media tools, CAPPA preaches citizen participation and conflict-free engagement before, during, and post-election. We are committed to promoting peaceful and non-violent elections through inclusive participation for sustainable democracy in Nigeria.

Trans Fat Free Advocacy

Trans Fat in Processed Food Monitoring
Events – Press Briefings
Actions – Rallies

Election is Not War Advocacy Images
